Thursday, May 27, 2010

What I love about our house...

...there are lost of things, let me share with you what I love...

I am growing veggies!

cilantro and chilies

green beans

there's one!

zucchini and mint


pretty little ladybugs can enjoy my chives

beautiful petunias will be blooming soon

the backyard is huge
(looking out)

(looking in)

our front yard

Lastly, I LOVE, that my toes are home :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I decided to name my company Sexy Sadie. I tried to stay away from using the "sexy" word, but I think it works. Here is my logo:

Each woman represents a Beatles Song. I dressed the women according to their personal in the song and gave them nicknames that go with the song. The nick name is the curly font. I also added elements from the outfit to the end of the curly font.

Sexy Sadie

Michelle my Belle

Dear Prudence

Penny Lane

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds