Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Street View

Independent Study Illustration

Sadly this is my first art post of the semester. Oh well. I was able to create a mock up street view using Adobe Illustrator CS5's perspective tool. The name of the store is Bakers Treat. I'm not that thrilled with how this turned out. Maybe it's because I've been working with a lot of organic shapes, and textures this semester that this feels to stiff for me.

Check back later for Graphic Design III semester work!


  1. This is great! I agree, that it's not showing-off the organic feel most of your other work does, but it really canvases your technical skill. I was really impressed with the amount of detail, especially the highlights on the light poles and the shadows they cast (even up the buildings), and the reflection of the skyline in your glass. And your little bushes out front add just enough contrast (as the complimentary color) to really make your brick pop.

    The only silly little thing I noticed that I might change is that all your signage is in serif typefaces. Perhaps that's true to reality, but for the sake of contrast I might have changed it up.

    Great work lady. LOVE IT!

    (I hope I make it through non-digital media illustration classes! Digital looks complicated.)

  2. I like it!
    I agree, it looks complicated, but I'm sure it gets better once you get going...
    Yes, you need to post more of your work!
