Monday, August 30, 2010

5 things I'm most excited about this school year...

I was so angry the first couple days of classes. About half way though last week I realized..."hey this is my LAST FULL semester as a college student-suck it up and ENJOY!" I will never be able to work 1/2 days again (unless we have kids, and I stay home, even at that I'd come home and put on the mommy hat). So I embraced it. I'm excited for this semester. Actually for this entire school year.


1. My senior project-I want to turn it into a real business already!

*these are just color ideas, they will most likely change!*

2. The hubby and I are staring to take Grow classes at church. This is a 2 year in-depth study that covers the ENTIRE Bible. I can't wait to make my brain bigger with biblical knowledge. I've been a Christian for almost 20 years, and I'm ashamed at my lack of "common Bible" knowledge. So I'm changing that.

3. I am loving my LIFEgroup more and more. We will start doing more service projects as a group, and we've added 3 babies in just this year! These people have become like a second family to me, and will be my friends for life.

4. I get to hang out with these guys

5. Lastly, when all is said and done....I will be a college grad! :)


  1. I Love the color palette already!
    I think the orange color is perfect for a coffee shop/bakery kind of thing. And THANKS for the reference!! It has given me an idea for one of my projects that, as many others has been put on hold!

  2. here you go with the personal projects again!
